Dr. Cornish has been aiding Dallas, TX patients since 2011 recover from auto injuries and other pain conditions. If you're in pain, we're here for you!
Over the years, we've treated scores of people with the following health issues:
- Vehicle Accident Care. Car accidents can result in a wide spectrum of problems and long-term disability. If you've been in an auto collision, it's crucial that you make certain that you get early care to lessen the development of scar tissue and persistent pain.
- Back Problems. Chiropractic care is a proven effective and safe way to heal from either acute or prolonged back pain.
- Neck Pain. Whether your neck pain is triggered by an accident, postural problems, or idiopathic (unknown origin), we can help get to the root of the problem.
- Headaches. Numerous scientific studies show that chiropractic can help with headache problems. Some of the different types of headache include migraines, tension headache, and cervicogenic headache (pain that originates in the cervical spine). Chiropractic can be effective for all of these.
- Sciatica Pain. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body and it travels from your lower back, through your pelvis, and down your leg. Sciatic nerve pain can be very disruptive to your life, and chiropractic care is the perfect way to pinpoint the root cause of your pain and relieve the pressure on the sciatic nerve.
- General Health. Medical research also shows that chiropractic care can reduce stress and anxiety, improve immune function, and can even be helpful for elevated blood pressure. Chiropractic care is wonderful for your overall health!
We would love to assist you with any health conditions you might have. Our office is conveniently located in Dallas, TX. Give us a call today at (214) 750-9600 with any questions or to make an appointment.